Delivery Information

We ship using USPS and UPS. If the listing has a green label that says free shipping we offer free shipping for that item. This only applies to customers that are inside the United States. If you're looking to get your items sooner we do offer paid shipping for accelerated delivery. If we have the item in stock the product will be shipped out within 1 or 2 business days. For everything we ship out, we will be notifying you when the shipping label has been created and we will provide you with a tracking number. Unfortunately, we do not offer free shipping for international customers due to the increased cost of shipping into other countries. For international customers, they will also be responsible for any type of tariffs or duty taxes for the product.

We offer a 30-day returns/warranty policy on all our products sold at To start a return, click returns in the footer. You will be required to pay for the return shipping and once we receive the item we will refund your money not including return shipping. Once you open a return you have 30 days to send the product back or your return will be closed.

Availability statuses

This list shows all our product's different availability statuses on our listings. 

In Stock - This status means we have it on hand and will be able to ship it out within one or two business days

Out of Stock - This status means we are currently out of stock of this item but we are in the process of re-ordering.

2-4 Weeks / 2-6 Weeks - This status means we currently do not carry this product on hand but once you place your order we will order it from the manufacturer.  You may see either option, this is due to some manufacturers shipping faster than others. 

Pre-Order - This status will only be shown for products we are about to release and expect to have in-stock status in stock in the future.